Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Why become a travel agent?

People often ask me how I get paid or why they should not just make their own reservations.  Hotels, rental car companies, tour companies, cruise lines and some airlines pay a travel agent a commission on the sale.  This is not an additional amount you have to pay.  It is the same price as if the person booked it with the company him/herself or if a travel agent makes the booking.  For my agency, this is what I survive on.  Some have decided to charge fees for their services.  So why should people use a travel agent?  Many times I can get things cheaper due to all the resources I have at my fingertips.  There are some companies that only deal with travel agents so you would not be able to get their prices.  One company I deal with on a regular basis for Hawaii packages will not sell to the public and I have saved people money using this company.  A travel agent is like any personal service that you use regularly like hairdresser, doctor, lawyer, etc.  Once you find one that provides you the service you want and need, it can be a lasting relationship.

But what about all the places on the Internet that you can buy your travel?  It is a good idea to check to see if it is the deal that some may think it is.    I think that the Internet is a great resource but many think they will get a better deal than they would thru a local travel agency.  If this has been the case for you, this does not mean all agents are like this.  Or it may be a one-time deal where you did save by using the Internet.  The problem with the Internet is that there isn't that personal touch a local agent could give you.  If a problem arises, you can be in trouble.  There are also many fraudulent companies online.  I have done some research on using the internet to book travel and I have found that there are many times where the internet shopper pays more than what I can find.  Some rental car companies online charge more than what I can get my customers.  Then some agencies get better rates thru certain companies due to affiliations or sales offered only to travel agencies.  Many airline websites will not check all options because they aren't affiliated with certain airlines.  There will always be the chance of getting a special on the Internet, I won't deny that.  Some airlines are offering Internet fares only but many times a travel agent can get you the same rate.

1 comment:

rajverama said...

This blog is really helpful regarding all educational knowledge I earned. It covered a great area of subject which can assist a lot of needy people. Everything mentioned about become online travel agent is clear and very useful.