Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Are you really committed to being successful?

Unfortunately what I see time after time is people who join our agency and then do not realize the amount of work a business will require.  You have to commit so much of your time and energy to your business.  If you do not promote yourself, no one will.  That might mean late hours at night trying to find ways to get your business name out so people can see it. 

When I first started my agency there were several in town.  I had to compete against storefront agencies as well as the bigger chain type agencies.  I had the local paper do a story on my business to show the difference between my agency and another agency.  The paper took a picture and wrote about my desire to be a work at home mom. People began calling just to help my business out.

Most people want to help others.  If you let people know you are a business who really wants to make it, they will help you.  However if you aren't committed to your business, then why should someone who does not know you help you?  Show that you care and you want to make it.  That means you have to put in the work.  It means getting your business card out and mailing flyers.  It means attending seminars and events around town.  It means every night before you go to bed, do 1 thing for your business even if it is just submitting your website to a search engine.

So what are some easy things you can do for your business?  Here are some ideas that only take minutes to complete.

Get a facebook page for your business

Get listed with Google for your business listing http://www.google.com/local/add

Get your own free listing in Yellowpages.com  http://listings.yellowpages.com/Services/ServiceClaimSearch.aspx

Get listed in Yahoo Local

I will add more but wanted to give some ideas of places you can quickly make your business name seen.

Promote the heck out of your business!  You can do it.


Unknown said...

Thanks for this blog, Jennifer. I already know that it will be helpful.

Gloria Caruso said...

Thanks Jennifer. As a new agent it is definitely hard to get started. I am looking for anyway to get my name out there. Thank you for the suggestions.